Well, a year ago right now we were some where between Spearfish, SD and Houston, TX. It was so much fun waking up this morning and remembering "a year ago we became parents, and a year ago our daughter was born." So funny to realize that a year ago yesterday we were at the point of giving up on ever having children at all, then overnight we had a daughter! What a wonderful year it has been! As you can see in this picture she has her birthday hat (I thought she should have a tiara!) and her "princess" sash!
We have yard signs for the special occasion!
On her first birthday she discovered our DVD rack! She was escaping as I took the picture!
Here she is "opening" her CD player. We already burned one out from all the times that we play music for the kids (although it was only $19.97 at Wal.Mart!) We decided that our "big" gift for both the kids' first birthdays will be these little bit nicer CD players that mount on the wall. That way they each will have one in their own rooms and they each can have different music. (Ada will have the softer music because she is already starting to dance alot!! Shes got the moves! I am sure there will be more pictures after this weekend and the big birthday party...there is still time to RSVP...grab a plane and come to Spearfish!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Happy Birthday Princess!
Posted by AJH at 10:52:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Birthday
9 Months Today!
Today Boo is 9 months old! Hard to believe it...when I went to get him this morning I found him standing in his crib, holding the side rail! This one is actually at nap time and he is only kneeling, but I just couldn't believe it!
We also had to take a picture with Daddy, although Boo is crying in the picture...I still had to post the two men in my life!
Posted by AJH at 10:47:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Bear Country USA
Black Bear
Otter (Oliver, Thelma, & Louis)
Posted by AJH at 10:21:00 AM 1 comments
Presidential Wax Museum
We did some very "turist" things while in Keystone this time. This was alot of fun, I took picture after picture. I would highly recommend for anyone in the hills that would like a piece of history. 1st one...George Washington
2nd..."Teddy" Roosevelt
Ronald Reagan George W. Bush on 9-11
JFK & his son John-John
Posted by AJH at 10:09:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Our Get Away
Due to Sturgis Bike Rally and our house not being sold on our anniversary, we didn't get proper time to celebrate. We took this past weekend to do so...it is late on Sunday evening...so I am not going to go into detail.....just give you all something to look at in the morning!
Posted by AJH at 10:44:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Anniversary , Hills , Kids , Rally , Travel
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The Kids
Princess really doesn't let anyone get in her way! She is trying to get the peek a block and brother is no obsticle for her! He doesn't seem to mind as long as she leaves his eyes and head alone!
Aren't they just the cutest kids you ever did see!
I just had to share this video of Boo with everyone...I know it may not be much to you...but to us it is an answer to prayer!
Posted by AJH at 6:08:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Siblings
A Birthday Gift
I know Princess isn't one until next Thursday, but when things come in the mail and they don't know the difference....you just gotta have them try it out. She really likes the "John Deere Song." It is a great little toy!
Posted by AJH at 5:33:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Birthday , John Deere
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Children At Play
Yesterday the kids actually played together for the first time in a week. I know it is crazy, but with the colds and their different nap scedules...It just worked out that way! Boo was looking like a little man in his turtleneck, sweater, and great pants.
Princess was having tons of fun with all of the fun toys from Grandma Pancake!
Ethan is so tiny that I cannot get pants to fit him correctly! He crawled right out of his pants while him and Ada were playing! I guess I am going to have to learn how to take in his pants so that he doesn't have them falling off all the time (or doesn't have to wear capris!)
Posted by AJH at 12:17:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Kids
Saturday, September 15, 2007
You Are Invited!
Just wanted you all to know you are invited to Princess's 1st Birthday Party on September 29th at our home! RSVP!
Posted by AJH at 12:51:00 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
Walking by One?
She shocked us again! I know the lighting wasn't great, but I wanted to share with you what we just discovered. Our daughter grabbed Daddy'd fingers and started taking off. After she was in her PJ's, she walked from the bathroom to her bed, holding only Mama's fingers. I just tried this with her yesterday, and she wouldn't do it....it is so funny how kids just all of a sudden decide they want to do something.
Boo is getting close to crawling as well. We are curious if Princess will walk before she is one, and if Boo will crawl before he is 9 months...we shall see!
Posted by AJH at 10:58:00 PM 1 comments
Play Time
Princess's cold is on the mend and she is starting to play some again. It is so much fun to watch her play. Of course she is still a little on the cranky side....no smile from her today!
Posted by AJH at 3:13:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wonderful Kids
Princess has been sleeping alot the last few days. Our kids have had a low grade fever the last few days. When she is so tired, she gets herself into the funniest sleeping positions! You cannot really tell from the picture, but her backside is sticking straight up into the air. Silly Girl!
Boo is still accomplishing more and more things every day. He is eating, and has a very healthy appitite, I must say! Once I put a spoonful into his mouth he loves to make the happy baby noises and shower Mama with squash!
Posted by AJH at 11:24:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Coming Along
I am sure many of you have heard that Boo is starting to make progress, I just thought I would let the pictures speak for themselves!
Posted by AJH at 11:30:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Theropy
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Birthday Pictures
I cannot believe that it is actually time for Baby Girl's birthday pictures. Of course we couldn't just take her picture! She did a really good job. The first picture they took of her is the one we kept!
The picture of the two of them isn't my favorite, I liked the idea...Boo wasn't sitting on his own at that point so I am actually behind him holding his overalls!
The picture of him by himself is great...I love it! He is sooooo cute! Sorry, my scanner is down at the moment, so these are pictures of pictures! Come to the Party on the 29th and you can have your real pictures!
Posted by AJH at 1:40:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Birthday , Crazy Life , Pictures
Friday, September 07, 2007
A little music for your stay!
Posted by AJH at 2:04:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
South Dakota Freecycle
Individual State Recycle, Yard Sale & Grocery dealsJump on in & start postin' It's all about FREEbies in YOUR local area.
I just joined and I am excited to use this as a way of getting rid of some things and maybe taking some in!
Posted by AJH at 8:34:00 PM 0 comments