Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thankful Thursday (for REAL!)
Posted by AJH at 2:42:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Pumpkin Patch with Grandma!
Posted by AJH at 10:29:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 09, 2009
Our Little Angels
Due to a few different reasons, I have been thinking of our little angels...both the ones that are here with us and the four that are in heaven with God. And when I get to thinking of the four precious lives that were with me for 6-8 weeks each and the impact they have had on the rest of my life I go back to a certain CD that helped me cope with the hard times after each of them were called to heaven. The CD is called 'From Heaven With Love' by the Hooker.Family. This is a great Christian family with six daughters that sing very beautifully together! The CD itseld was made in memory of two children that passed away in a train wreck and another that passed away in a car accident.
This is what the back of the CD says:
'When tragedies occur in our lives, it is hard not to question, 'Why Lord?' This is especially true when tragedy involves the Home-going of a precious child. Recently, God took RL (10) and LL (8) Home with Him via a train wreck in Illinois. They were the children of dear friends of ours, M&CL, from Tennessee. Both girls had received assurance of their salvation from their parents just a few weeks before the accident. It has been a great source of comfort to them to know their children were saved. Within a week's time of the train accident, our preacher lost his grandson JDH (5) in a car accident. Our church was heartbroken for his parents, D&BH, and the H family. Both sets of the children's parents have exhibited unbelievable strength, courage and faith, in spite of exruciating pain. To them and all who have ever lost a little one, we dedicate this tape. The poem, From Heaven With Love, and the two songs, The Touch of Angels and Never Fear, were written especially for them. How about you, dear reader? If tragedy were to occur to you or someone you love, do you know where you or your loved one would spend eternity? There are verses from the Bible included on the inside of this recording that can help you know." It ends with the verse Hebrews 13:2, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertaied angels unawares."
The songs are each just wonderful songs to have!
But the two songs they speak of are FANTASTIC!
"From Heaven With Love" is spoken by a young girl:
Mama, Daddy, don't cry for me
I'm not so far away.
I'm having so much fun, you see,
All I do is play.
The streets are of the purest gold,
Amazing just to see.
And the gates of Heaven are of pearl;
Hard to climb - even for me!
There's a stream of crystal and water.
I love to splash around.
Only, Mom, there's no snakes or worms to dig,
Not a spider to be found!
I got to sit with Jesus,
On His very knee!
I didn't burp or squirm too much,
You'd have been so proud of me.
Don't worry 'bout my clothes either,
They do a trick up here that's neat.
Our clothes don't get dirty or full of holes
And the shoes grow with our feet!
There's lots of other boys and girls
For me to have to play.
So I'm not lonely, not a bit,
And, oh Dad, by the way,
Since there is no night here
I don't get scared at all.
I can't look up and see the shadow
Of a monster on my wall.
And I get to help groom horses
Jesus has up here in stalls.
He says we'll get to ride them
When the angel Garbriel calls.
So, you see, you shouldn't worry
Or cry or be so sad
If you can pretend that I'm at camp
I know you will be glad.
I love it here! It's an awesome place!
There's so much to see and do.
I'd like to stay and not come home
If that's okay with you.
Tell everyone I love them,
Can't wait 'til you all get here.
'Cause Heaven is a real neat place
I sure am glad I'm here.
And then is goes into the song, "Touch of Angels"
♫Sometimes God lets us see a bit of Heaven't shore,
By sending little angels down to fill our lives with joy.
Innocent laughter, smiling eyes,
The touch of cherub hands,
Unmarred faith, unwavering love,
Untainted trust that firmly stands.
Little angels missed so much
Your message still was clear,
Heaven't real and I'll be there
One day to share it, dears.
So, until we meet again,
I'll tell everyone I know
How we were touched by angels
And the path to Heaven show
Though not ours on earth for very long, Jesus we did see.
And Heaven is a sweeter place, than e're it used to be.
We're more caring, loveing too,
Because of your sweet lives.
We've learned to live beyond ourselves
And you are the reason why.
Jesus, tell my babies please, their lives were not in vain.
For they showed us how to love you more
And bear sweet sorrow's pain.
I'll never take another day for granted, oh you see,
For a day with a loved one is a gift
More Precious now to me.♫
It is amazing. You can get the CD here...if you know someone who has been babylost or you yourself...this is a great way to be reminded that God is taking care and knows what is best!
Tomorrow: "Never Fear!"
Posted by AJH at 6:45:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 06, 2009
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Thankful Thursday
So today it is a little more of a challange to write this, for some reason I kind of have a grumpy heart today and while trying to fix it I am just getting bogged down bear with me.
But in the midst of this down spirit, I am reminded that God is always there, always working, and always faithful. That is something to be thankful for. It seems God is working in our lives even now and while we do not know the out come, we look forward to what it will be...
Posted by AJH at 12:53:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
A wonderful Aunt!
*Please other Aunts & Uncles do not feel left out, each of you have special moments and things in my heart that some day, too, will probably come out on this blog...but is for Aunt C!
Today is one of my Dad's sisters birthday, AuntCarolyn was brought into this world today and she has been a blessing to me many MANY times over. There are times I didn't always realize what kind of impact she has actually had on my life...but it has been great. There are things I probably do not even realize...but I know alot started when her and UncleDave would allow my brother and I to stay with them and go to VBS at their church. It was their church where I realized I didn't want to live my life without Jesus and in my small little mind knelt beside my bed and asked Him to come into my heart and take me to heaven when I die. Now, as a 26 year old, it seems that is way to easy and there should be more to it...but that is why we are to have child-like faith!
Anyway, I know they prayed for me, and they have always encouraged me. And when it was time to go to college they really encouraged Bible College, and I am thankful for that. But I have a wonderful letter that she shared with me just before I was going to have a pretty major surgery for a scared High School girl. You see when I look back at many of my 'big' things in life...somehow Aunt Carolyn and/or Uncle Dave were there...surgeries, plays, graduation, wedding, preparing for both graduation & wedding. It is amazing. The really cool thing is that my children have already had the blessing of spending some fun & quality time with them when they stayed with us overnight in July of this year!
Something that used to bother me (mostly because I didn't see it, but so many other did) was when people would tell me that I resemble Aunt Carolyn. And I do, I laugh like her and I do carry traits of that side of the family. But as I realized yesterday that today was her day I realized that now when people say that it is a huge that I need to strive more at really following, because she is a very godly lady. If I could only watch and learn from her in any and every interaction I have with her there are many things in which I could take and use in my own life to have a better relationship with God. So thank you Aunt Carolyn, thank you for stepping in to make mints for our wedding because I didn't have Grandma to help, thank you for allowing us to stay with you, thank you for sitting in the hospital while I was in was still good timing on my part, but most importantly thank you for your prayers and your godly example!
And with that I want to share the letter that I have kept for going on 12 years...the letter that pops up at just the right times here and there when I need a reminder that God is good! I hope it is okay, Aunt Carolyn, that I share:
"Dear Ashley, I want you to know that I have been thinking of you lately regarding your impending surgery. While I have never been in your position, I can easily imagine that you are apprehensive about the surgery and subsequent recovery. We all have fear of the unknown, especially when it involves medical procedures. I am remembering back several years to something you told me when you stayed with us during Bible School. On the way to the program practice you told me that you had put your trust in Jesus. That trust is the only way to have real peace bout your surgery. God will watch over the surgeon and guide him as he corrects your problems. We don't know the end form the beginning like God does, but we can trust him to work things out in the way that is bet for us. Wednesday night I intend to mention your upcoming surgery to the people who are at prayer meeting. We will all be praying for you that night, and I will be praying for you every day. Dave's dad has both of his knees operated on some time on Monday, but I plan to see you in the hospital on Monday as well. Love, Aunt Carolyn"
Now I know this can sometimes be don't get me wrong here, but when I received this letter in the mail from her back in May of 1998, for my surgery that was on June 1st, if I remember right, it was almost as if God was wispering in my ear that everything was going to be fine. I am greatful for this letter, there were many times laying in waiting between when I received it and when the actual surgery happend less than a week later that I reread it...knowing it was all going to be okay! God did take care of me, and the doctors we amazed at how fast I recovered from such a big sugery. I was actually able to try out for the summer muscial and do some of the dancing in scenes that I was told before hand wouldn't happen! So Aunt Carolyn, I pray you have a wonderful and blessed birthday....thank you for being such a godly example in my life.
Posted by AJH at 8:29:00 AM 0 comments
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