7 Month 19 Days:
The amount of time that passed from when Mama found out she was pregnant with you until the time she was able to hold you in her arms...August 1st was a Sunday and I took the test that morning as we were rushing around getting ready for church. I used the 'guest' room rather than the master because Daddy was taking a shower and I remember running up to him with the test in hand and just showing him because I had no words...nothing, I had no idea what to say! I was excited and shocked. You see Mama had been told by several doctors that I was no longer able to have children because I was no longer ovulating....so how could I be pregnant. It was one of the plain tests that just used lines. So we decided that after church I would run pick up a digital one...in less than 30 seconds that one showed the beautiful word "Pregnant"! But my excitement soon turned to fear....what if this little one joins her 4 siblings in heaven? What if this ends in another miscarriage and another one of my babies I have to wait to meet until after my life on earth is over? Praise the Lord that wasn't the case!
Today is November 6th, you are now officially 7 months and 19 days old. While I know you exsisted inside of me for several weeks before I knew you were there....it is something to me that you have been in my arms as long as I knew you were inside of me! There are times I wish I could feel your kick just one more time....but most of the time I am so excited that you are here and not inside any more! You see my saying all throughout my pregnancy was, "I am just ready to meet her, I know how to care for and love a baby once they are born...but this pregnancy stuff I am unfamiliar with!"
I know the 7 months and 19 days has gone my much quicker since you have been more than the time before!
Thank you Lord, for sending us our healthy and precious Cupcake!