The first picture is of Princess and Boo at a birthday party we went to on Saturday for one of the boys in our church. My dad would be impressed...we bought him the DODGE remote control truck (I was really looking for a Honda, when the found the FORD I was sold...but since the birthday boys Daddy drives a DODGE I decided it was only right!)
This is AR (in white shirt) and CR (in Navy)
So far I have seen that they are very well behaved boys and very polite! This is KR! Isn't she just the cutes little chunk in the world. I know I posted the other day that we were only going to have two foster kids, and then I told some of you that we were going to take care of sister Kailey during the day like daycare while foster mom was at work. Well I told them enough times that I was willing to take all siblings that first they worked it out so I was going to be a registered daycare so that I could LEGALLY watch her during the day (to keep the siblings together) but then they all decided to over ride the 'no more than 2 under 2" rule to keep them together full time. So we have 5 full time kids right now...when we said we were working to catch up with Handsome's brother) & wife (N.L 9 ~A.D 7 ~F.J 5 ~G.L 3 ~& K.H 5 months) we were kiding! Our poor Odyssey is packed to the limit...but it will get us to Thanksgiving at my parents house anyway! Good, trusty, HONDA!!!
7 years ago
You two sure do keep busy!!! It is wonderful that you guys are willing to take these cute children and that they were able to keep the siblings together. I can't wait to meet them.
Give my babies a hug and kiss from gram
Love you all
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