I am really excited! I finally received my 5th anniversary gift! (Our anniversary was August 10th) Some of you may know that Jason origianally purchased a diamond engagement ring witha gold wedding band and between proposing and the wedding purchased another diamond engagement ring with a diamond wedding band. So I had two wedding sets! I had such a hard time leaving one of the diamonds in the jewelry box (why let a good diamond go to waste!) So for our 5th, Jason told me that we could build a ring out of the two engagement rings plus buy a third diamond!
It was done today! So now I have my "engagement ring" with three stones (a larger one in the middle with two smaller ones on the side) and my gold & diamond wedding band all together! I am spoiled!
I looks just wonderful! I can't wait to see it in person tho.
You are spoiled!!!!
Happy 5th Anniversary!!!!
Give my babies a hug and kiss from gram
Love you all
I am not nearly as spoiled as my mother!
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