It is great to have our potluck/game nights and our most faithful attenders are our lawyer and his wife! It is always great to get together with them because they love our kids so much and the kids love them back!
Well the May game night was a celebration of Lawyers 30th birthday...nothing fancy, but it was his night non-the-less! Things can get a little crazy around there and so there really is no explanation of this picture...except it is his "sexy pose." Haahaa
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Our Lawyer...Our Friend...
Posted by AJH at 1:03:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lawyer , Potluck/Game Night
Saturday, May 30, 2009
May 12th
We have some crazy weather around here, but this particular Tuesday it was going to be around 80*F, so we got out the little kiddie pool that my mother had left for us and had some fun!
Here we have little Pumpkin K.B, Princess, & Boo cooling off...Pancakes also left some floaties...Boo got "Dori" & Princess got "Nemo"
I do not know for sure what Boo is doing here, it doesn't look so good!
After snack time his tummy was kind of full!
Pumkin K.Jo didn't love being in the pool, but she liked playing in the mud outside of it!
Posted by AJH at 1:52:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pool Time , Pumpkin Patch Daycare
Friday, May 29, 2009
Mothers Day
On Mothers Day we went to church AS A FAMILY (of 6). The foster boys went to the nursery and the rest of us went to sit in our usual spot. At the beginning of the service all the kids were given a red rose to bring to their mothers...Handsome helped Princess and Boo just a bit with that one. We then went out for lunch with a friend and his little girl...5 kids, 3 adults! Craziness! Came home, put our kiddos to bed and watched Bride.Wars (hilarious!) and Marley&Me (a good movie, just not one for me!) We had a little trouble with the foster boys that Handsome cleaned up and then we went to the park! Oh how fun it was to see my kids enjoying to throw rocks in the creek (Boo was trying to throw himself in) and then we went swinging. We were able to get some and went home for supper. It was a relaxing day...
Posted by AJH at 1:32:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thankful Thursday
This last weekend we were able to take advantage of the long weekend and go back and spend time with my family! It is always nice to be able to go back to the farm and do farm things with our children. We went for 4-wheeler rides, went to the SF Zoo, caught up with some friends from the past, planted flowers on the graves of my Grandparents & Great Grandparents, had 2 bonfires (with s'mores the 2nd night), went to the park, listened to stories about my mom & dad in their teenage years, explored some of where Handsome used to live (and pocketed a sword he made as a little boy), more 4-wheeler rides, ate at Olive.Garden, saw some extended family, slept in, and just had an all around grand time!
There will be pictures and videos to come in the next couple of weeks here on the blog, but it really made me realize how very much I love to be around family. Mom & Dad were great hosts, it was fun to see my brother playing at the park with my kiddos (and my mother who thinks she is a kid!) It was great to spend a day at the zoo with my aunt, her granddaughter, her sons gf, my SIL, my Mom, Handsome, Princess, & Boo! The bonfire the first night was full of people and it was OH so interesting! The bonfire the second night was really fun with just my mom & dad, Handsome, and myself! There were memories made this trip, memories that my children will probably be able to remember. There were times I wished I had my camera for that special kodak moment, for example when my husband took Princess and knelt down beside my Grandmothers grave (the one Princess is named after) and explained to her that this is a very special, godly woman who we felt was so important that we gave her name to our very important was special! Or when Boo was helping Grandpa plant the flowers at my other grandparents graves...who would have thought to bring their camera to plant flowers at the cemetery!
But what a wonderful weekend, I am thankful for my family and how they love us for US!
Posted by AJH at 1:22:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family , Thankful Thursday , Travel
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Backing Up A Little
This picture of the Princess is back from the 6th of May! We had the foster boys at the time and I was busy getting them ready for the day and she had gotten herself undressed and waited for her Mommy to give her the clothes for the day...I came out to the living room to find her sitting here in her hat, necklace, and big girl panties! For some reason it makes her look little again!
Posted by AJH at 11:52:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Princess
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Posted by AJH at 2:40:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A little slow...
Well, my computer is back...but not allowing me to transfer my pics from my camera to my the blog is a little boring! Sorry about that, trying to fix that problem...but there will be a Thankful Thursday post tomorrow!
In other news...if you are an IRL (In Real Life) family or friend and have a need of some baby related items or other misc. items check out this link on and see if there is anything you could use! We are thinning out due to the down sizing of houses in December and have some 'extra' things that need to homes!
Posted by AJH at 6:45:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Our adoption...
...we are still raising funds with the prayer that we could bring home baby Emi or baby Owen by Christmas 2009. Any prayer or financial support that you can offer is greatly appreciated!
Posted by AJH at 12:31:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Thankful Thursday
So with my computer being sick, I didn't even realize that my Thankful Thursday post went up on Monday! Bet you all thought I might have been a little off my rocker...huh? To see today's Thankful Thursday (that posted on Monday) click here....and I will try to get some more pictures up just as soon as my computer comes home from the doctor!
Until 2 month blogging streak with either come to an end, or you will have to put up with pictureless posts!
Posted by AJH at 4:03:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A New Funny...
I often schedule posts up to 2 weeks out but have to 'add on' to today's post with something that happened at prayer time two nights ago!
Before we pray as a family we talk about what we are going to pray for to help the kids understand better. We ask them who we should pray for and why...but our list lately has been pretty much the same:
*Mr. S to be healed of his cancer
*M.M. to to well on her interview/find a job
*Help us find a house or land in our town that would work better for daycare
*That our children would realize their need for Jesus in their life at an early age
*Patience for us while we have the 2 troubled foster boys in our home
*For Grandma & Grandpa
*For Mark & Teresa
*For one more Pumpkin in the Patch
and a few more ~personal~ ones.
Well the way we have been having the kids pray at night is that Daddy says one to three words at a time and Princess & Boo repeat what he said. Two nights ago our kids were extra tired from the events of the day and Handsome got to the part where we pray for our kids and he said "And for Princess" Boo repeated, but at the very same time Princess unfolded her hands and opened her eyes to say, "what do you need, Daddy?" in the sweetest little voice ever. Handsome told her we were praying and she needed to focus on our prayers to Jesus so he tried again, "And for Princess" to which she said "what do you need Daddy?" We tried one more time "And for Princess" and this time she with her tender little heart thought she was doing something wrong so she started to cry a little...we just paused the prayer and explained that we were praying for her, not talking to her, and then continued on....oh the precious sweet tender heart!
Posted by AJH at 11:05:00 AM 0 comments
A few funnies...and some that are just too cute!
Mommy~ "Who do we pray for?"
Princess & Boo~ "Emie & Owen come home!"
"MOM, stop, rest my toes. I NEED!" - Princess
Mommy~ "Did you go potty yet?"
Princess~ "No, but...HERE IT COMES!"
"Mommy, I hungy diaper cake" - Princess
"What chu do Etan?" - Princess
"Mommy, I NUTS" - Princess
Boo~ "Pody Chair, Mommy"
Mommy~ "Do you REALLY need to go potty BooBoo?"
Ethan~ "Noooooooooo"
"Wuv ewwwwwwwwwww" -Boo
And last but not least we were out for a walk a couple of weeks ago, it was Princess, Boo, & two little Pumpkins. I had the Pumpkins in our wonderful double jogging stroller and Princess & Boo were 'helping' Mommy push (my way of having them hold on!) We got about a block from the park and Princess looked at me and said, "Mommy...have to my toes....they tired!"
Posted by AJH at 1:26:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
2008 Mothers Day Pics

I posted the 2009 Pics yesterday...
Posted by AJH at 1:22:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for letters & cards received by way of the good old fashion USPS! You know the ones, they require someone to actually pick up a pen! Well with Mothers Day being last Sunday, I was fortunate enough to receive a card from my very own mother on this glorious day (there were too many Mothers Days' that brought tears and a heavy heart for it not to be glorious now!) This card had a good start even before opening it it has the on the outside! It was one of those tri-fold connections cards, you know the ones that have a way of saying EXACTLY what you were thinking but couldn't put into words...yeah, the best! Well this one was actually for a Mother to give to her Daughter that was now a Mother herself...still with me? Anyway, it was beautiful and very sweet. My mother has a way of personalizing cards...and that makes each one from her special! I was thankful for this card that my Handsome and I walked to get from the mailbox at midnight Saturday! Just in time for the big day.
Then Sunday after church there were two more cards laying where I could find them. I opened the one that said "We Love You Mommy" first. And with the help of their Daddy, Princess & Boo told me how much they love me and appreciate all the work that is done for them and that they know they are a handful sometimes but know I can handle it because I am the best! How sweet is that!
The one I saved for last said "To my wonderful wife & a fantastic mom." I always love getting cards from my Handsome the best because even though he doesn't think what the actual card says means anything, he does take time to read them and pick out just the right one for me! The front of it said, "Someday many years from now, we'll look back on this crazy time in our life together and wonder how we did it all... I'll sit close beside you and take your hand in mine. We'll look at each other and say 'I'd do it all again...and I wouldn't change a thing.' " When you opened it up it said, "There's no one I'd rather go through life with than partner, my love, my wife. Happy Mother's Day." He then wrote, "You are the best mother our children could ever have. I know that all the other stuff in life seems to cause distractions from all you want to do as a mom - but you do very well handling it all and raising our children in a godly, respectful way. I am proud of you and I love you very much - Handsome." (He didn't sign in Handsome...he signed with his name.) Those words, coming from the man I love with all of my heart were enough, they will ring in my head for a very long time. You see, I have this thought that because of the way things have turned out and me needing to work (even though it is daycare in our home) that my children are being sacrificed, I wanted them so badly and then they get a second rate life. But my husband thinks that they are okay and thankful to be with me...even though I have several other little ones to care for at any given time. And that means everything to me!
I know it is on a tangent yet again, but when you start thinking about being thankful...things just start rolling in your mind. But today, I am thankful for the 3 beautiful cards that came on a day that I used to ignore...a day that even hurt to send my own mother a card...a day that now I can be included in. I was able to stand up in church with the other moms and have my two beautiful children bring me one red rose from each of them! Oh how wonderful! For this, I am THANKFUL!
Posted by AJH at 6:32:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Mothers Day Photos
Posted by AJH at 1:12:00 AM 3 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saying Good-Bye
Posted by AJH at 1:52:00 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Rcital Day
Posted by AJH at 1:53:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Dance Class