Mom came on the 26th of June, and that Saturday we went to Reptile.Gardens in Rapid.City for some family fun.
Here we have the kids & Grandma Pancakes (not sure who is more excited) as we arrived at Reptile.Gardens.
Princess loved the giant turtles, Boo didn't think so much of them. I thought it to be interesting that 1 of the 3 was 128 years old!
"Hello Mr. Turtle"
In the prairie dog bubble
Marilyn the python
Male Cobra
Boo more interested in the camera than the nasty snakes!
Do you see my Princess' little hand on that BIG snake? Apparently Boo was brave for Daddy and actually touched Marilyn too!
Just because I am a tourist at heart!
And because Grandma Pancakes loves her grandkids!
He posed for me! heehe
I am a wonderful mom and made my kids go in for a picture, although I have to say Princess had no problem going to sit and said, "Hello Grandpa"
Boo needed Daddy's presence to be brave
Maniac, a 15.5 foot/1250 pound crocodile, was pretty impressive. His head was much bigger than my children! See his story here.
Getting a little up close and personal with the lizard
A cool looking not-so-huge snake
Another great family photo op, ok, so maybe I was slightly taking advantage of the fact that we had someone (thanks MOM!) around to take pictures of the whole family for once!
This baby turtle was not much larger than a quarter...finally, we found something that Boo liked!
Do you see my Princess' little hand on that BIG snake? Apparently Boo was brave for Daddy and actually touched Marilyn too!
It was a fun day, but seriously, any tourist thing we do with my mother is fun...she is just a big kid!
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