Back in the beginning of November we thought that our Boo was ready for a big boy bed. He had commented on wanting a big girl bed like Sissy's several times and, well he is almost three! I had bought a bed for him was back in January (when Princess started sleeping in hers!) but it just didn't seem like the right time for him then. Well, I am not so sure that this was the right time for him either...but he is there none the less! We had a difficult time with getting him to stay in his bed rather than get up to play in the middle of the night. We tried EVERYTHING and it just wasn't working. He was getting more and more grumpy from lack of sleep, and the Patch kids that normally sleep in his room were not getting their naps. But just in the last few days we tried one last thing and it seems to be working...for the most part! He does love his bed, and his new bedding! It helped to make it more of a cowboy feel to his room! We are proud of him, though he did sleep VERY well at Grandpa & Grandma's at Thanksgiving in the pack n play there! But now he is ready for Baby O to come and sleep in his old crib...with almost three year olds you move from one battle right into the next!
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