We ended up leaving early for our trip 'home' for Christmas due to weather, and decided to stay on through Monday as planned....well turns out the weather would have kept us there that long anyway! The interstates and highways we had to travel to get home were not opened until Sunday, and not early enough for us to leave and get home before dark! However, Monday we were able to have clean roads and enjoy the sights of 20-25 foot drifts the entire way!
This drift that was along the interstate would have easily covered our Suburban!
She devoloped this new pouty face for picture taking while at G&G's house!
Always happy to smile for the camera!
I can see the Hills!
It is amazing to me how much we LOVE being where we are. Seriously, while we loved spending so much time with my family over Christmas it was just amazing to see the hills and know we were close to home! I cannot even describe the entire feeling that happened when I saw the hills...but my heart was racing and my eyes teared up! Seriously!
This was much more amazing IRL, the tiny little dot in the middle of the sky is the afternoon moon! It was beautiful!
So pretty...but we did not know what awaited us at home!
Welcome back!
An easy three foot of snow kept us away from our home...my wonderful husband shoveled a pathway so we could unload and get in the house. We then were able to go get a friends snowblower which made Handsome's job LESS but it still took him three plus hours to get things ready for Daycare the next day and so he could get his truck out for work!
What an adventure!
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