Some of these old farm places present the best places to take pictures! I could have stayed for hours just snapping shot after shot from different angles! And hearing the stories behind why the wires are hanging off the barn and where the old green yard light on the little shed came from! I love hearing my husbands stories!
Handsome told me he figured this little building would have been the first to cave, but it looks just like it did almost 20 years ago!
Many a passer-by has used this grainery as a protection from hail over the parents may even have done it once or twice!
Quite possible that this is my favorite shot of the day! I didn't even edit it!
He was having a difficult time, I am not sure what all was going through his head, but with good memories there are always bad ones too...I do not believe that my husbands childhood was filled with many good memories.
The last shot for Part 2, and another favorite! I enjoy taking pictures of old still objects...maybe because my paying job is so chaotic sometimes, I just like the still peace that come from looking at these pictures!
Part 3 tomorrow!
Very nice pictures! It will be hard to drive by in the coming days or weeks and see it little by little torn down! And yes, dad has used the old barn for cover from a hail storm!!!!
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