Happy Birthday Pancakes!!!
Sunday morning all of us were moving a little slow. I had to wake the kids up for church, and they really like getting to sleep as long as they want! Boo had some how gotten his diaper off in the middle of the night....that was a smelly wet mess!
We also tried feeding Boo again, a week ago he couldn't swallow the food, this particular day he did so wonderful! He couldn't get enough. When sister wasn't eating her food, he just picked up and started where she left off.
We went to church with Handsome's parents in White. Mama and the kids spent most of Sunday School, and all of church in the nursery. We had to wake them both up to load them in the van after church. We ate lunch with Handsome's folks, and before leaving, had to wake the kids up again! They sure were having a rough day!
After saying good bye to tem, we stopped by Handsome's brothers new house. They moved out of Sioux Falls and onto a place in the country. The kids are already enjoying the room to roam!
The trip home was a little on the difficult side. Princess didn't sleep again, and Boo only slept for a short time! They were really tired of being in their car seats by Mitchell! We did arrive home around 11. We put the kids to be quickly, and got ourselves into bed as soon as we could. We both had to wake up early, Handsome to go to work, and I was to get the kids ready and in the van to leave by 7:15 for Ethan's ultrasound.
The alarm didn't go off so we ended up waking up at 6:25! It was a quick morning of running around, but we were happy to get a phone call saying that our friends had their baby at 11 pm on Sunday night! A little boy! Congrats L&C! We are so happy for you!
7 years ago
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