Sundays are always big days at our house. These pictures of the kids are proof! Handsome is usually the most tired at the end of the day, as he gets up the earliest, studies for a while, prints the church bulletins & prayer lists, makes sure the church is ready, gets himself ready, and makes sure I am up and going in time. I only have to get myself ready and then pack the diaper bag and dress the kids. All of this happens before Sunday School starts at 9:30!
Handsome teaches Sunday School
then he goes on to preach for the morning worship service. We usually either do something simple, or run to McDonalds for luch. We come home in hopes of getting the kids to take a nap at the same time so we can MAYBE have a nap ourselves.This particular Sunday, we were able to have a little one before having to get ready and meet up with some friends. We spent a few hours with friends, and then we went out for a weekly date around 8:45 pm! The kids were starting to go down hill, but we did manage to pull everyone together so Mama & Daddy could enjoy their meal for an hour! Once we arrived back home, we were able to get Princess into PJ's, but Boo was just too tired, he slept in his clothes. We couldn't help but take a picture, Boo doesn't sleep with his behind sticking in the air often, but it sure is cute when he does! As you can see, with Princess, she just stretches out and goes to sleep! What a day!
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