When the sun came out and things starting melting it actually ended up being a beautiful day! This is looking to the West with our Lilacs on the right.
This is looking the same direction, just behind the lilacs.
This tree is on the other side of our alley, I just thought the green trees through the snow was beautiful!!
Looking at our house, there is ALOT of snow on our roof!

I felt sorry for this poor little tree, it is completely smushed by the wet, heavy snow!

More pretty trees

A building by the school...

It hasn't been cold enough to damage the lilac buds, or at least that is what I hope!

Our poor suburban still is under alot of snow!

Beautiful views, somewhere in there is the interstate...it was still closed at the time.

The snow drift is actually only a foot from the overhange of that building! It is taller than all the vehicles!

I do not think this guy was going any where any time soon!

Lots of drifting snow...

As you can tell we were able to get out and around today, it was fun as I know I have never seen this much snow fall in one day in my life! I am thankful to have been able to be "snowed in" with my Husband, Children, and my Parents...what a wonderful crew to get to spend all day with! I am blessed.
All I could think about all day is how beautiful everything is. Isn't it amazing how a fresh white coat of snow can make this world look so pure and clean. Just think, the blood of Jesus Christ does the same thing for us if only we will trust in Him.
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