I just have to share, fall is my favorite time of the year and these last few days have felt VERY fall like! There is a little color starting to show up in the trees and I have been able to have windows open the last 3 days! I am so thankful for fall, I know that it isn't here to stay yet, but it makes me very excited that it is coming soon!
For those of you that have not experienced a fall drive through Spearfish Canyon, you should really make a reservation at the Hartung Hotel and check it out. In about 3 weeks it is going to be at its prime....hey, while you're doing that have some cake with us for Ada Grace's 2nd birthday!
As fall approaches it makes me want to "nest" I guess. I start thinking about hot cups of tea, cuddling with my kids, husband, and a blanket. I love the warm colors of fall, it is actually the time of year that I redecorate my house the most. I do not even decorate for Christmas as much as I do for fall....those warm fall colors just make the house so cozy!
I love fall too. We live in a deep valley in Eastern WA where the hills are mostly brown. So I love spring and Fall because these two seasons bring out such vivid colors! God's creation is wonderful. Last week I was at the river and a dragon fly landed nearby. I put my finger down and it climbed on to it and sat on my finger for almost ten minutes. I was able to get a really close up view from most angles...I was transfixed by the detail God has put into this bug! What a wonderful experience it was!
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