I was able to pick up Ethan's birthday pictures today and am SO excited about how well hey turned out. Since they are dark, the scans didn't turn out so well...I will try an get them uploaded off the disk (yes I have copying rights to them) and get them in clear image on the blog sometime before Christmas!
This time I was able to do a collage with his name, because I am a member of the 'Smiles Club' for FREE!!!! Who can beat that. I was also then able to get ones of the shots on there that I was not able to get with my package. The shot on the bottom left corner is the only one we have of that pose. Isn't he a handsome little man!
I think this is my favorite shot...the lady that took them, Tiffany, was feeling a little bummed about his not smiling. Not to worry though, he looks so serious most of the time! Tiffany is getting to know us pretty well since we are in there 5 times a year!
With birthday pictures I always have to have one of them holding the age they are turning
I wasn't so sure this was a good idea, but she told me to trust her...glad I did. He is just to adorable!
This 'candle light' pose is getting to be one of my favorites. I remember the first time they tried it was last year for EE's birthday and I was thinking they were crazy. However, they are becoming one of my favorite shots. How is a mother suppose to choose?
This outfit just screams sepia, so this one is the one we put in the old fashion looking
It seems as though his birthday part will be in Lake Crystal, MN on the 26th. If any of you are in the neighborhood, feel free to stop in!

I cannot believe that my baby boy is turning two! Just 9 months ago I was sure that he was either going to stay my 'baby' forever or at least need care 24/7 like a baby. Or, he wasn't going to be with us very long. We thank the Lord every day for the miracle He gave when he gave Ethan a somewhat normal life...he is a member of our family now, isn't he? Normal will be relative (right Grandma Pam?)
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