So it has been pretty cold outside, but we have not seen this here before! Last night the temp was around -14 F and the windchill was around -38 F! We started noticing frost growing up our walls all over the house. I thought I would share a few pics so you could see. I have reports of this being the coldest snap here for many years!
Toy Room: Dining Room:
Living Room:
This has been an interesting year. In May we had the worst snow storm for a while with 3 feet of snow in 24 hours! June brought us the floods with the wettest spring/early summer on record. Then the first week of October brought the first snow storm...then the first week of November, and again the first week of December! It will be interesting to see what this winter brings!
May you all be in your homes toasty and cozy while the weather outside is frightful! Merry Christmas!
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