Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Maria Sue Chapman
I had to share this with everyone, I was only going to put up the link but then thought that only a few of you would actually go there. Not to say that having it here is going to cause more of you to read it, but I do ask you to. Not many of us have gone through a tragedy like loosing a child. We have had 4 miscarriages, but it isn't the same as knowing, loving, and caring for a child that you have had the privilege of meeting. No one knows what tomorrow will hold, but I can only pray that if I face a tragedy like this I will be able to be as faithful to God as the Chapman family has been.
Maria's Memorial Service
For those who couldn't be here, I thought I'd share a rundown, the best I can remember it as I was a bit emotional. It was a beautiful and moving celebration of this little girl's life. And in typical Chapman fashion... God was honored, the Gospel was presented, and... It went long. : )
Throughout the service, pictures of Maria were shown on screens above the platform. There were about 2000 people present and the program was just over 2 hours.
Michael W Smith provided a beautiful prelude and then sang "Still" to open the service. Then a prayer of invocation was offered, and a Pastor at Christ Community Church, the family's home church, Scotty Smith called us to worship with a congregation responsive reading of a portion of The Heidelberg Catechism and the question What is your only comfort in life and in death?
Matt Redman, who was in the airport in Atlanta preparing to fly back to his home in the UK when he heard the news of Maria's death, left the airport rather than board his flight and drove to Nashville to serve the family anyway he could. The Chapmans not knowing Matt was in the country had discussed him being a part and we're overwhelmed to hear he was able to be there. Matt led worship along with Christy Nockels singing several songs including two that Redman has written out of his own loss and sorrows, "Blessed Be Your Name," and "You Never Let Go," as well as the hymn "It Is Well."
Then Matt explained that Steven and he had penned a song "Close To Your Heart" a few months ago for a close family friend of the Chapmans just after the loss of their child. Little did Steven know it would bring comfort to him and his own family on this day, as Matt shared it at Maria's service.
One of Shaohannah's Hope's orphan care partners in China, Robin Hill flew in for the service and he offered a prayer.
Then family and friends stood just feet away from Maria's tiny coffin and shared stories about the spunky, adorable little girl. A few here...
Family friend Karen sharing how Maria loved to wash dishes butt naked, and loved when her family "was altogether,"
The unpredictable Mary Beth with a few stories including how Maria loved her nicknames and running the sweet list down,
Family friend Melissa challenging us to live like Maria and love others like she did, not holding back!;
Caleb sharing how he had prayed for God to heal Maria after the accident, and how God did it in a way that he didn't like very much (taking her to heaven) but that he has never been more convinced that Jesus is real,
Miss Meagan, Maria's pre-school teacher, commenting on her love of art, drawing flowers, her classmates and her family,
Emily telling the story of how when she told Maria that Tanner had asked her to marry him that Maria asked her "whacha say?" and Emily went on to challenge us with the picture God gives of how the groom Jesus has asked his bride, us, to marry Him with a relationship through the cross, "whacha say?"
lastly, Steven sharing that Maria had professed Jesus as her Savior and those moments; as well as a moving story from him about how he had asked God to help him see that Maria was safe, and how God showed up. (I'll let him tell it soon)
Next, children in the service brought flowers to Maria's casket as SCC's best friend Geoff Moore sang "With Hope," a song Steven wrote 10 years ago for a family that lost a child, that same family the Mullicans are now walking he and Mary Beth through this now shared tragic experience.
Scotty Smith then took a few precious minutes to challenge us on the Gospel, that Maria's story is our story and we can be adopted into God's family and see Him and Maria at the end of our lives. (I'm not able to do Scotty's words justice)
Tammy Jensen then sang "Jesus I Am Resting, Resting," close family friends mentioned above the Mullicans prayed to close our time. And then the video of "Dishwashin Daddy and "Bellyflop" that has gone around the world was played.
Friends, it was such a difficult, yet sweet time. I urge you now to pray for this family. Be intentional. Set an alarm to go off on the 21st of every month, or anytime you see an SUV let it be a reminder, or whenever you hear a Steven song... whatever you feel is best. As someone who has experienced a difficult loss, some days ahead will be difficult for this family because the rest of the world moves on and forgets. It's very understandable of course. If you can though, remember to keep them in your prayers.
I too echo Caleb and his wise beyond his years comment, after having the privilege to walk with so many of their family and friends next to the Chapmans through this time, I have never been more convinced that Jesus is real, that the Gospel is true. Despite this tragedy that could seem to contradict He is a good and sovereign God, we know the truth that is on the front of Maria's Memorial Service program! That He has plans for us "plans for peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope."
Posted by AJH at 12:38:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Man of God
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sorry Blog Readers!
I have really been slack on my blog updates this week, here it is Friday night and I haven't posted anything since Wednesday and haven't even typed in my Bible Verses for the week, I promise...next week will be better, we have just had too much DRAMA this week!
Don't stop checking in with us!
Posted by AJH at 10:51:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Some good news...maybe

*Edit* Have talked with both our lawyer and Sunshine's lawyer and everything is still sounding very good. I will know some more on Friday morning, but should know alot more next Wednesday...please pray! Of course we could get started right away if our lawyer wasn't going to be in Hawaii next week...just kidding Eric, hope you guys have a great time!
Posted by AJH at 11:13:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday evening pictures!
My babies listening to Daddy play piano.
Ada Grace's new outfit.
This has to be one of my favorite pictures of the two of them ever!!! It is just too precious...
The kids love helping Daddy play piano.
The three loves of my life!
Posted by AJH at 12:29:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Because Grami Pami wouldn't wait until tomorrow!
This is what I was going to post tomorrow. Pictures of our pool time on Sunday afternoon. I am going to make her wait for the church pictures though!!!
He has a tummy now! Yeah!
Posted by AJH at 6:14:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Ada Grace , Ashley , Daddy , Ethan , Grandma , Pool Time
Beautiful Saturday Morning...
It was so nice on Saturday that the kids were able to play in the pool by 10 am!!
Ada Grace has a new pair of sunglasses, she is loving them! (I am sure Grami Pami is also!)
Double trouble!
Ethan is starting to enjoy his time outside more.
Posted by AJH at 1:29:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
ADORABLE Sophie Autumn
Posted by AJH at 11:03:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sophie Autumn
Last weekend
Last weekend we went East to be with Jason's mom in the hospital. The kids did pretty well on the trip, as you can see in the background it is at the start of our trip.
He looks a little lost~
Posted by AJH at 10:23:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Ada Grace , Ethan , Grandma , Grandpa , Travel , Zachary
Saturday, May 17, 2008
It's Your Birthday
Posted by AJH at 9:15:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ada Grace , Ashley , Birthday , Ethan , Jason , Katia Heidi
Thursday, May 15, 2008
It's Your Anniversary
Happy 7th Anniversary Eric & Melissa
We love you guys SOOOOOOO much!
Posted by AJH at 12:26:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Anniversary , Eric , Family , Melissa
Weekend when Grandpa & Grandma were here
Saturday after the snowstorm we went to Rapid City and Ada Grace just HAD to wear her sun glasses...she loves those things!