I know I am a bit behind...this moving stuff is just taking up all my time! Here are some leftovers, I will attempt to catch up as much as possible today...we shall see!
This is little Sunshine taking a bath on the 22nd, the kids have a new found love of the bath now that they can "swim" like Nemo! They should love the waterpark we are going to over Valentines weekend!

Doing tricks while waiting to open stockings on the 23rd...

Mommy didn't shop small enough items that they could be 'stuffed' into the stockings, so had to wrap them!

Is he just not the most handsome little man EVER!?!

AG excited about her 'doodle' but checking to see if there was more, she got into the presents this time!

She didn't notice the large ladybug hooded towel staring her down...she wanted to get to the bottom...

Doing one of her newest tricks!

"Pretty Christmas Tree!"
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