Today Handsome and Sunshine took a load of stuff to the city dump with Grandpa Denny and then went to the house to work work work! APrincess & Mommy went to dance class, got some paint, picked up lunch, and went to the house to work work work! The newness of being at the 'new house' for the kids has officially worn out as they do have have roaming privileges yet due to wet paint and floors without flooring. So, they either get to stay in what is the master bedroom, or get corralled to a pack n play with their mega blocks. Both were fun the first few they get bored real fast. Well today while I was painting the second bathroom (for the 2nd time!) I put a little spot of paint on both of their would have thought I had just given them the world! They ran over to Daddy to show him and Princess had a whole slew of words that came out very excitedly! They liked it there so much they didn't want me to wash it off, so we had to take a can see it better on Princess than on it goes.

Princess using a paint can for a table at lunch time with Daddy

Since this is the first house we have owned since becoming parents, we had to put a personal touch to it. Originally I was just going to put each of the kids'
hand prints on their bedroom walls, but then when I was repainting the bathroom I was thinking about this Arctic Cat green (slight mix up in
communication) and how while I didn't want it to be on an entire wall, I didn't want the $30 to go to complete I asked Handsome if it would be okay to let the kids put their
hand prints on the wall in the frog bathroom. He not only thought it was a fun idea (this really isn't the man I married...he's better!) he thought the Mommy and Daddy should do it as well! Because of Sunshine having stubby little pinkies like Mommy his didn't show up so good! And we have almost an entire gallon of this color so there will be extra to add whenever the Lord grows our family!

This is
APrincess's room...since we are living in a Mobile Home with the seams running every so often we decided to make the most of them in her room and give her stripes!
Sunshine's cowboy/John Deere room...we are going to get some rope and use it as border between the 2 colors on his walls!

The rest of the pictures you will have to wait and see! We officially have 3 rooms completed painting and 6 to go, at this rate we will be moving in before we are finished! Guess I will have to buck up and work later every night next week...and maybe Handsome will have to live with the tears that go along with it (from Mommy!)
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