Thank you FAMILY TO FAMILY ADOPTIONS INC. for making it possible for me to write a post like this...for without you our family would still be two!
It is so hard for me to believe that time flies so fast. The 3 years before you came seem like eternity and the 3 years since you have been in our life feel like they have just slipped away! It is so much fun to see your personality grow and bud with each passing day. I hope that you will be able to see in your Mommy & Daddy's heart that even before we knew you that we loved you more than ANY words can discribe! When we made our trip to Texas the day you were born we were SOOO excited to meet you, and once we arrived your Daddy was able to hold you first, then Mommy, then Grandma. We were exhausted, but we wanted to be there for you SOOOO bad! The next day that we spent in the hospital waiting for the 48 hour mark was scary, but marvelous at the same time! Once we were able to bring you 'home' all we did was watch and snuggle you. The faces you made, the sounds you made...they are forever etched in my memory. We went to the Gulf of Mexico and you put your feet in at just 3 days old. We had to say good-bye to Daddy & Grandma that day...but you and Mommy then had 6 days to be alone, just getting to know eachother. You were welcomed home to SD at the airport by so many people it was great. Grandma surprized Mommy and was there too! Everyone was soooo excited to meet you! It was just the beginning of a great journey.
I remember your first smile, your first baby shower, the first time you were so mad with your huge tears and pouty lips....from the day you entered our lives you have been our Princess. I could never have understood how much you can love someone you just met, but wow!
It was amazing to me how easy going you were when at 3 months old you graciously welcomed your brother into our family and really never had a problem with it! How fun to watch you learn to crawl, go up steps, walk, feed yourself, talk, dance, love, and just live. You are so sweet, your heart is so kind (most of the time), and your personality is so fun! And your newest thing to stop me in the middle of something and ask to pray for your brother or sister to come home soon is melting my heart. I know you are getting that off of our desire to grow our family, but the fact that you are so tender is hunbling!
I know we have only 3 years under our belt with 15 to go until you are an adult and many more after that...but while I am thankful for your health and the fact that you are growing, sometimes Mommies just want to keep their little ones little. The days slip away minute by minute and the years slip away day by day. But I try not to let a day go by without telling you I love you.
Happy Birthday my Princess...
7 years ago
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