With the weather being as such we didn't get to have Aunt Lisa & Uncle Jody and their crew along with Aunt Dawn & Uncle Bob join us! But we did get a special treat! Tyrel (Uncle ReeeRe's good friend since elementary school) along with Aunt Christy's parents, brothers, and special friend Lindsey with us for the big event! Dad cooked a big ham meal and we had birthday cake to celebrate after! Then came the gifts...my children are SPOILED!
Singing to the Birthday Boy...his shirt says, "I'm kind of a BIG deal!" Loved it!
Grandpa showing off his new AlanJackson cowboy hat!
Princess enjoying some cake!
A helicopter from Mommy & Daddy!
John.Deere book and Lincoln Logs also from us...
Swirlin' Saw Dust Work Bench from Grandpa & Grandma N! He LOVES it!
He thinks the drill is pretty cool. Since we got this home and put it in his room he is always asking if he can play in his room "all by myself!" Cracks me up!
Ever want to see something funny? Watch to guys try to play with a 3 year old's computer! The kids had them figured out in minutes....I will say there was some words coming out of their mouths that I cannot repeat! It was comical! ♥ you B&T
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