So this last week I have been reminded over and over again what a lucky girl I am to have Handsome as my husband. This guy is nothing short of amazing...and that isn't even enough of a word!
So I started this Ideal Protein Diet and 2 out of 3 weeks that I have been on it I have lost a good deal of weight (7-8 lbs) and the week in between I lost 2! So, needless to say while I do have lots more body is doing lots of adjusting and I am pretty tired at the end of the day. Not to mention the fact that making supper for the family that looks all yummy and then making supper for myself just isn't all it is cracked up to be! I LOVE the IDP food, but I also still long for my glass of milk...anything with cheese on it...or cake!
Anyway, so since I have been on my diet and slacking rather slightly in my duties as a wife and keeping the house my husband has been a gentleman! He cooks, he cleans, he picks up, he does laundry...he literally keeps the house going! I simply wake up, take care of the Pumpkins, and that is about it! But we both know that this diet is much importante to my health and with the $$$ we are investing in it we want it to work, so he is being 100% supportive in any way he can!
I am thankful for the wonderful husband God has blessed me with, I really do not deserve him! Love you Handsome!
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