Milk ~ liquid gold (though gas is becoming more of liquid gold) ~ but I have always thought of milk as such. I love milk, I grew up on a farm and we were never without milk! Going away to college I didn't have as much milk as I did growing up at home and that was a problem for me, but it helped set the pace for married life without a ton of money. When we first got married we literally lived paycheck to paycheck and didn't usually have alot left over. So we would buy milk because it is important to the body, but we only were allowed some on our cereal (if we had cereal) and a glass at the evening meal. None of this ~ drink all you want ~ stuff!
Then kids entered the picture, and while I do not let my children drink all the milk they want, it is important to their growing bodies we started having a little more around. Now I have a daycare and so we have a little more than that around. Until Sunday.
Being in my 3rd trimester I have not exactly had the most ambission in the world and when my day at the Patch is finished I am pretty well tired so getting to the store isn't something that happens like it should sometimes, but if we are getting low on milk that is usually insentive enough ~ LIQUID GOLD!~ However, in the midst of another busy weekend some how we managed to drink the last of the milk on Sunday night and I was not able to get out and get some before work on Monday. Then Monday we had plans so we went two entire days without the beloved liquid gold. This is terrible, I know, and being pregnant my body needs that milk. Having a daycare we NEED that around! So when we finally made it to the store we bought 4 gallons!!! I feel like I am trying to make up for lost time and am enjoying greatly going to the fridge several times a day for a glass!
Not the most important post in the world....but liquid gold is an amazing thing and I can promise that unless it happens while I am giving birth to Cupcake, we will not be running out of milk any time in the near future!
7 years ago
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