I was going to write a post about an ongoing trials that has been facing us since May of 2009, but have since decided that I do not want to be known for someone that complains whenever something doesn't go according to planned!
There are many things that have been on my mind about how people can get cranky and crabby and take all their frustration out on internet and technology. Have you ever sat down and read someone's 'status' updates from the last month or more? What do your 'status' updates relay about you? I have had my share of grumbling and complaining on FB, but have really tried to turn that around in the last year or so!
It is really unfortunate the way people use their FB account to manipulate people or talk down people without using names. I read a status yesterday from a schoolmate of mine who was asking people to at least tag her in their posts if they were going to 'smack talk' her so she could know about it then instead of hearing about it a month later.
What a coward of a person to talk bad about someone all over the internet and not use names! My husband taught about the tongue to our 6-11 year old Sunday School class on Sunday. How it is the most dangerous part of our body. You see the thing is that what is in your heart and mind will always come out. If you have wicked thoughts they will come out eventually. How do you use your tongue? How do you use your freedom to have access to writing whatever you want on the internet for hundreds/thousands of people to see (yes I do have friends that have thousands of FB 'friends') daily/hourly? Is it not right to be honorable? Do you think that it is really pleasing to people to selfishly bash people or talk them down just because it will momentarily make you feel better? Does it really make you feel better after all?
How often could some of the 'issues' be taken care of if we would truely communicate with people. Communication can come in many forms. I believe FB is a wonderful form of communication because you can be in touch with people when it is convenient for you and for them...but instantly at the same time. There are other forms of getting in touch with people too.
I have been trying and will continue to try and keep my 'paper trail' free from bashing others or just simply being cranky or grumpy consistantly. So if this is for no one else it is a reminder to myself that we need to be kind, be respectful, be loving, be friendly and many other positive things!
7 years ago
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