First with Miss Cupcake...she will be 10 months on Thursday and has no teeth! She finally decided that scooting might be a good way to get things as of last night. It was a very sad and pathetic attempt and scooting 18 inches to get her bottle, but she did accomplish about 10 of the inches by way of scooting and then decided it was easier to turn and roll! She is such a stinker sometimes! Though almost always a very good natured baby! She has moved up to size 6 month or 6-9 month clothes (mostly because baby sister pushed her out of the 3 month ones!) and just moved into size 3 diapers. What an adorable blessing she is to our family!
(The first picture was from early December, she went through a phase where her mouth was almost always open and yet made hardly any sound! The second picture was from our trip to the middle of our state to meet with our case worker for our monthly home study and she needed a bath, so she decided just to chill out in the hotel sink for a while!)
And now for Miss Love Bug! She will be 5 months one week from today. Hard to believe my baby is getting so old for how tiny she still is. As of today she has started solid foods...she started with squash and seems to like to very well. She attacks the spoon as it comes toward her mouth, which makes me think I should have started sooner. Either way, she is enjoying it! There are still some Newborn sized outfits she is wearing but she has mostly moved up to the 3 month or 0-3 month sizes. She is still rocking size 1 diapers though (they pretty much go up to her arm pits, but Newborn diapers just do not hold enough!) She is starting to grasp at things and bring toys to her mouth, she also is very quick to smile with her entire face and go back to her worried, serious look. At times you can really get her going and she will make sweet little baby noises for you! So thankful she is doing so well! On 12.30.11 she was 9 lbs 11 oz, so not yet 10 lbs! What an honor it is to be her Mommy!
(Both pictures are taken on random days in December while we were just haning out together!)
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