Getting ready to leave for the Rodeo on July 3rd.

Eating a little snack while we wait for the Rodeo to start.

There were very few people that actually made it hte 8 seconds...and actually there was only one guy that made the time on the bull riding.

A girls ranch from California did all sorts of tricks on their horses, I will have to try and get some of the videos I took up so you can see. It was pretty good!

This horse did a summersalt while his cowboy was stilling riding!

Ada Grace watching carefully, she didn't want to miss a thing!

Entertaining our friends behind us...so glad we were able to sit with Levi, Katie, and Katie's parents!

Standing on Mommy's lap so she can see better!

Ethan after the rodeo wearing his sissy's hat!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE OF ETHAN AND JASON! Both watching the rodeo...

Levi wasn't so impressed that I was taking a picture of him and Ethan...but Ethan spent most of the rodeo on Levi's lap. That was E's choice...could have had Grandma, Grandpa, Mommy, and Daddy...but he picked Levi!!!

Katie's parents bought popcorn to share with the kids and they LOVED it!

Being silly after we got home from the rodeo!

I think this picture is too cute.

Can you read his lips? "HAT" That boy just loves his hat!
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