The second day Grandma was her was September 26th and we had lots of fun! The kids are really into their rocking horses right now.
This one cracks me up with them both looking in different directions with funny looks on their faces!
Too precious
He was "helping" Daddy
So serious
Handsome gave him a ride on the mower, but didn't start the blades because that makes it SOOO loud and we didn't want to hurt little Sunshine's ears...there was also the safety issue!
After the mower ride with Daddy, Grandma gave little Sunshine a ride in his John Deere wagon
This tractor came with Grandma from cousins Micah and Gretchen (thank you btw!) It is a life saver, we have a John Deere buck atv (nothing fancy, powered by kids) that they were fighting over for rides. Well now that we have this Tractor they each have something GREEN to ride on.
I love this picture!
That sums up day 2 with Grandma! Stay tuned for day 3!
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