It may seem rather silly to you, but this is my blog and I feel the need to share. If any of you have been to our house or seen pictures, you know that our formal living room has 4 very large floor to ceiling windows facing the south, which faces the intersection of Michigan and main street in town...needless to say we see much activity! Anyway, sitting in our living room watching some squirrels play in our newly naked tree...I see a jogger on our sidewalk doing his regular jogging and immediately think of how my beautiful daughter would have said, "run, RUN!" in the adorable cuteness that she does. Next thing I know I am running for the Kleenex box because tears are streaming down my if you know me (and maybe even if you do not) you know that I am a VERY emotional person and I have NEVER been afraid to hide my tears. But the interesting thing about this instance is that it hasn't happened before. You see the reason that I was crying was because soon it will be cold outside and those joggers will not be out as much as they have been the past months. When they do come back next spring Princess will be that much older and will probably be at the point that my dad says "once you get that one to start talking you will not be able to get her to stop!" Now she already talks very well for her age, but you give her 5 more months and the simple sentences will be no more. This is the reason for my tears...the days of hearing her innocent little, "run, RUN!" are slipping away and will not come back. My little girl isn't as little as I see her, and while her growth shows her to be healthy...every mom has been guilty of wishing they would stay little!
Anyway, just had to share my first Mommy Moment...while it is the first, I can promise you it will not be the last!
Thanks for reading lovebeingmama....where Children truly are GIFTS FROM GOD!
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