Last Tuesday evening we made a trip to the general store, not to buy something...but instead to show the kids the bunnies & chicks! Princess kept saying "Silly Rabbit" because the all black bunny was drinking the water and we could see his tongue!Boo was a little more stand-off-ish! He is afraid of everything that moves! But he kept touching Daddy and that made it okay! She just loved it and would have watched the animals for hours!I thought it was funny when the chicks got tired they just stuffed their little beaks into the saw dust and went to sleep!He was a little more brave with the chicks than with the bunnies!We even managed a smile out of it...a success in my book!
7 years ago
What a lovely sign that spring is in the air. Love you all lots
Aunt Christy
I still like to go to the store in Brookings and look at the baby chicks and ducks and bunnies!!!! I am still a kid at heart!!! I can only imagine the smiles and giggles that AG and EE had! How fun!!! Give AG and EE a hug and kiss from gram - love you all
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