Last Friday while feeding the little Pumpkins lunch, one of the kids did something naughty and I corrected them and said they needed to speak kindly and have a good attitude. Also said it is better to do what is right than things that are bad.
After that I went about cutting up the apples for the Pumpkins and I hear my Princess telling the little girl who had just been 'naughty' that one time 'last week' (because anything that happen in the past was 'last week' I stole some of my brother special crackers and that is a SIN. Then I went potty on my floor one morning 'last year' and that is a SIN. And when I do not obey my Mom and Dad, that is a SIN and it makes Jesus pleased (think she forgot the 'dis' in displeased!) And we shouldn't sin because if we do we will get eaten by a REALLY BIG FISH!
We hadn't talked about Jonah in a while, which just goes to show how important it is to be cautious what you put into your kids' minds because IT STICKS! I think that a 4 year old's interpritation of the fact that Jonah didn't obey God (which we have taught our children if you disobey God that is a sing) so God sent the 'REALLY BIG FISH' to eat him up is simple and to the point, not to mention precious!
Now just yesterday she thought it would be good that her and I pray together every day for all the people that we know that 'have babies growing in their tummies' so that the 'babies can grow big and strong and be born.' Now we do at every meal pray for our Grasshopper and the 'other 6 babies' but with this request we are going to set aside a time of the day...maybe right before nap time when everyone else is laying down pray specifically for the Mommies & Daddies, babies, and older siblings (were there are older kids!)
As a Mama to little ones, sometimes they are the ones to knock you off your high horse and make you realize that faith doesn't have to be as complicated as what we adults make it sometimes!
I am thankful for my children's interest in learning about God!
That is so precious!!! It helps you understand a little better why Jesus said we must become like little children...they don't argue all the ins and outs of theology, they just take things literally and simply and trust that they're true. What a beautiful heart your daughter has!!! :)
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