You are probably getting tired of hearing about how amazing my husband is by now. But really, I do not know how we would have made it through this pregnancy without his amazingness!
He is so caring and loving and protective of myself and our little Cupcake! We found out yesterday that I am starting to dialate just a little and that I needed to 'chill out' so he is checking up on me and once again has taken over all household responsibilities. I basically just run my daycare during the day and rest in the evenings. Though for how often I get up I am seriously considering going to bed right after work and doing the up and down thing until morning! Haaha!
He is making sure with the melting snow and then freezing ice that I do not walk without a good grip on his arm and making sure I am eating well to provide enough nutrition for Cupcake. Tonight even though he has been busy every night this week instead of relaxing he will be hanging up the wall decor for the nursery because this pregnant lady cannot dream of bringing a baby home to an 'unfinished' nursery (and my parents are coming this weekend {as long as they can get through the snow} and I would really like to show off the mostly completed nursery to them!
Anyway, I am thankful for the amazing husband that God has blessed me with. I do not know why I was so fortunate to be the woman to marry this man....but seriously, I don't deserve how amazing he is.
I love you are the most AMAZING husband and AWESOME daddy anyone could ask for!
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