Some people may think I am a little crazy after reading post!
Today I am thankful for a four letter word, one that has become rather 'dirty' in many of your minds, especially thins year. But to me it is so much more than just a four letter word! You also have to take into account where we live, this four letter word isn't such a curse around here, it is actually welcomed rather nicely around here! Know what I am talking about yet?
I know, many of you have been hit hard this year but I look at snow as a way to start over; give the world a fresh start. It is always so beautiful the morning after a snow when you look out and see the sun shining like diamonds across the fresh, white snow! It is beautiful! You can also see all of natures tracks and what they have been up to over night. We have deer, squirls, bunnies, and even mountain lions around here and it is always fun to see their footprints. Though I must admit when I saw a mountain lions paw prints in the snow last year it kind of freaked me out a little...right through our back yard between the swing and the 'castle' climber. But other than the fresh start, snow also adds a little bit of brightness to the scene. In the winter when the trees are bare and brown, the grass is brown, the landscape is rather dreary....along comes beautiful bright white snow to liven things up a little!
The kids always get excited about it too....while they are not huge fans of playing in it for hours on end, they do enjoy it here and there for short periods of time!
But it also reminds me so much of something else that is rather ugly that was made clean! Our nasty sin is washed 'white as snow' through the blood of Jesus! He died on the cross for our sins so that all we need to do is accept Him and He will make us pure and give us a home in heaven one day! How amazing, think of all the terrible things we have done and imagine someone else remove those terrible things from our lives at the cost of their suffering! We do not even deserve it!
So I am thankful for snow, it is only here for a season (a rather long one) and then it will give way to the beauty that Spring brings with fresh grass, beautiful flowers, and adorable babies of all kinds! I am also excited that this year we will not only be seeing the baby birds and other animals but we will be seeing our very own baby! Cupcake!
What are you thankful for today?
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