My Precious Cupcake, Mama doesn't really know what is all about to happen that will finally bring you into our world, but she is very excited to finally get to hold you in her arms. We do not know if today will be your birthday or tomorrow, but we do know there are a great number of wonderful people praying for you to join us safely! Your big brother and sister are very excited to meet you and I think they even have a gift for you when they do!
Sweetheart, you are a miracle. Mommy and Daddy were told many time that you would never be...we believed them! I think back to August 1st 2010, the day that wonderful test had the two lines and remember how much disbelief I was in! It was a Sunday morning before church and I couldn't even talk to tell your Daddy....all I could do was show him the test and he looked at it and asked what it meant! It was so hard to believe that after church Mama went to Walgreens in Grandpas convertable and bought a digital test so I could specifically read 'pregnant'! The next day I begged the receptionist at the doctor to see me right away and we did get in that day.
There have been scary points in the last 9 months, but alot of happiness and some disbelief! Mama even now is having a difficult time sitting here thinking about the fact that God is about to bring you into our world! We have been taking pictures of Mama's belly almost every Sunday since 15 weeks and you have made my belly VERY big! That is why the doctors decided to induce Mama two weeks early! But your Daddy and I think that this is right in time! I remember the first time I felt your tiny little flutter inside me, and have been in awe lately as you don't really kick but more just 'adjust' yourself while making my belly funny shape in the process!
Sweetheart, you are coming into a family that will love you more than you can ever imagine! We are a special family that God has pieced together in His own way and in His own time! I cannot wait to see if you look like Mama or if you look like Daddy. If you really have as chubby of cheeks as it looks like on the ultrasound! If you have hair or not and all those other things!
My precious baby girl, I do not know how long we have left until we get to hold you in our arms....but one thing is for sure....when that does happen we will NEVER let you go. Sweetest Cupcake....we are excited to welcome you into our world and looking forward to the days and weeks and years ahead with you!
With all my love,
Your Mama
Happy Birthday Cupcake!
Thinking of you today! Can't wait to see pictures of Cupcake! Congratulations!
Oh Ashley, what a BEAUTIFUL, PRECIOUS, MIRACLE you are living right now!!!!!! Reading this made me cry, and NOT just because I'm pregnant and cry all the time anyway. :) I'm so grateful to God for letting me experience His mercy, grace, and power by watching this miracle unfold over the last 9 months. I'm praying for you today!!! Can't wait to hear that your precious babe has arrived!!!!
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