I just thought I would pass this along to anyone interested in shopping at C.hildreans P.lace website. I received in the mail a webcode for a friend to get 10% off. Now I am unsure if once it is used the first time it will only work for that one person, or if it can be used for multiple people. It is good on all purchases between now and March 8th. Again, not sure if it can be used by more than one person...but it can be used over and over again until March 8th by at least one person. If anyone tries it and it doesn't work please let me know.
I hope someone will make use of it, there are some great things at the C.hildrens P.lace, I have found EE & AG's family picture outfits for the picture we will be taking soon...just not sure where we are having the pictures taken yet!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
10% off Webcode
Posted by AJH at 12:36:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Online Deals
Today I think my wonderful husband deserves to be the object of my 'Thankful Thursday' post! I could not have asked for a more perfect husband! I mean what other guy would take a day off from work to watch MY daycare kids so that I could show up for jury duty...twice! And then the same day come home from work to find his wife sick in bed, let her sleep, feed the kids supper, get me Sprite, fold the laundry, organize my desk, work on my back, and just all around be wonderful? My husband is WONDERFUL!
Posted by AJH at 9:20:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Jason , Thankful Thursday
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Valentines weekend, continued...
For some reason blogger isn't letting me rearrange my pictures, so they are not going to 'flow' well!
Posted by AJH at 2:50:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Adoption Status
Just because there are many people that have been asking us where we are at...
We have been eligible according to the state to adopt again since August 1st 2008 (EEs adoption day) and our original desire was to contract with our agency right away. HOWEVER, we have not been able to do that because we need $9000 to do that. So, at this point they keep us in the back of their minds for a 'hard to place' situation (AG was because of the fact that when birthmom came to them she had about a week and 2 days until she was scheduled for a C-Section and AG actually came a week earlier than that!) They have talked to us a couple of times in the last year and so far they have not worked out for various reasons.
While we know that when it is Gods time to bring a child into our home it will happen whether we are contracted or not, but we would like to be 100% ready when that time comes. Here is a breakdown of the fees we need to be prepared for.
Posted by AJH at 1:39:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adoption
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Valentine Family Fun Time
Over Valentines Day we took the opportunity as a family to have a restful & relaxing weekend. We went to the hotel in R.C. that has the big water park and the kids had a blast, plus Mommy & Daddy were able to feel a little rest in the process! ***Lots of pictures!!!***
Posted by AJH at 2:39:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family , Handsome , Mama , Pool Time , Princess , Sunshine , Vacation
Friday, February 20, 2009
February 7th
Posted by AJH at 11:31:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My Children
I know that it is similar to last weeks 'Thankful Thursday' but to me entirely different. Princess & Sunshine have been such a blessing in the short time they have been a part of our life, and I couldn't imagine life without them! I know as parents of babies we do not often consider the fact that in such a short time they are going to be little people with BIG personalities or at least I didn't consider it too often. I knew to enjoy the baby times because they would grow up fast, but this personality stuff is amazing.
I am thankful to be called Mom (yep, not Mommy any more!) It is a privilege to have that title and I hear it many times through the day. But the crazy thing is to hear my little 2 year olds running around the house having conversations and getting concepts!
I could post forever about this topic, as I do not have any thing else in my life that I can honestly say has been as great. Parenthood is the one thing that has come with no disappointments...in fact it has surpassed all expectations! I thank God every day for my children and ask Him at the same time for the privilege to grow our family again some day!
Posted by AJH at 7:34:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Parenthood , Princess , Sunshine , Thankful Thursday