Here a few random pictures from the first week of February!
Princess & Sunshine having breakfast on a Sunday morning that Daddy went to church early so set up/practice and so it was just the three of us getting ready again...just like old times! I am so thankful that my children choose to eat bananas, grapes, & yogurt over things like Pizza & Chicken Nuggets (not to say they don't like those things...they just like the other stuff more!)
My husband brought home flowers last week to help me feel special. Now ladies please remember he is already taken AND that we had just been through remodling, packing, AND moving in a 40 day time span! This isn't an every day occurance...more like twice a year or so! Regarless, I was thankful that he took the time to think of me!
Princess & Sunshine having some deep conversation while she calms a baby to sleep on her shoulder! Did I mention that I think my kids are ready to be big brother & sister? And that would be okay with Mommy & Daddy too!
She is such a little Mommy!
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