Today I think my wonderful husband deserves to be the object of my 'Thankful Thursday' post!
I could not have asked for a more perfect husband! I mean what other guy would take a day off from work to watch MY daycare kids so that I could show up for jury duty...twice! And then the same day come home from work to find his wife sick in bed, let her sleep, feed the kids supper, get me Sprite, fold the laundry, organize my desk, work on my back, and just all around be wonderful? My husband is WONDERFUL!

He is a great family man, now that he has a little extra time on his hands family has become one of his favorite activities! On Saturdays AG & I have the morning together while EE & Daddy have sleep in, have breakfast, and make thei coffee rounds and then in the after noon we do something fun as a family!

He is the absolute best Daddy I know! What a special person he is. Our kids worship him, they come running to the door when he gets off from work and hardly let him in because they are tugging on both legs. You will have a hard time finding a Daddy that loves his kids as much as he does!
So today I am thankful for my husband, and not just for the reasons I have listed, but for many MANY reasons. It would take all day just to sit here and list every single reason I am thankful for him, so I will save you the agony of me bragging on him for so long and just let you know once again that I love him and thank God for him every single day!
Thank you for your sweet, sweet comment! Your family is so beautiful!
This "In-Law-Mother" could not have asked for a better "In-Law-Son" - Love you all!
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