Okay, since we have had such a huge amount of time to prepare for our children...I have decided is time to pick names again 'just in case!' Don't worry, if we were having a baby adoption or otherwise you would be the first to know...
We just need a little help with a girl name (shocker right, it is usually the boy name we cannot agree on!) I have a few suggestions for first names and some middle names...but any suggestions are welcome. I would like it to flow well with AG, E, and baby x...so probably a vowel for the start of the first name. Please leave suggestions in the form of a comment. Thanks for your help!
* Abbi Stella
* Aggie Belle
* Ainslie Rose
* Alani (a - laine - e) Love
* Amora
* Aster
* Ayira (aye - ear - a)
* Ellis
* Esma (ez - may)
* Estella Jene
* India
* Inez (short i sound)
* Iris
* Oakley
* Ursa
For middle names we do like the ones that are on the ends up on stop...Stella being a favorite and I am always open to using Lucille
Thanks for your help!
7 years ago
I like them all, just please don't steal Ella. If I have a little girl someday, that is going to be her name, after my great grandma. Ella Jo Norgaard will be the name hopefully.
Love Ya'll Lots
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