If you haven't started a blog of your own, you probably are going to think I am crazy, if you have one...you know what I am talking about!
I posted my first post on April 27th, 2007. My children were 7 & 4 months old. It was about that day and our new 2 ring blow up pool. Pretty cute they were, who would have known what that first post would lead to! My only regret about blogging since then: I didn't start sooner! I know that I have been spotty in trying to keep our life updated for you all to see, but being a mom to two 2 year olds and having a daycare kind of keeps me on my toes!
To the thankful part...I would have NEVER guessed how much I would enjoy 'airing out my laundry' for whomever wants to read. Sure, part of it is keeping all of our family members up to date about the newest craziness that is going on in our lives...but another part of it is just a way of expression. I used to write poems to express myself. I believe the last one I ever wrote was after our 3rd miscarriage back on January 20th of 2005. Life got pretty busy after that, and I needed a new way of expression. Look at all we have been through together on lovebeingmama.blogspot.com !
I know that there are times that it isn't beneficial for all of my family to be reading and seeing every tiny little thing that I post about, but my #1 thing that I want to be remembered for was being REAL! What you see is what you get. So on this Thankful Thursday you get to hear ramblings, just tidbits of why I keep doing this! For those of you who do not blog yet, try it! And those of you that do, thank you ~ I so enjoy reading yours, almost as much as I enjoy keeping mine up.
Go blog hunting one day and see what you come across...I have lost track of how many I follow via google reader...it is one of the first things I do in the morning and one of the last before bed at night...go check to see who else has posted! If I don't check it over the weekend I usually have 100+ posts to read...wow!
I am thankful for blogging!
7 years ago
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