Saturday Jason was helping our pastor sheetrock his basement most of the day and we had a small window of time before going to our house warming party that some very kind people threw for us! EE, missing his breakfast and the normal Saturday routine with Daddy including coffee and 'fellowship' at the best used car business in town and riding in Daddy's truck, jumped right up on Jason's lap and hung out for a bit. As you can tell that boy loves his Daddy very much and misses him when he isn't around! It provided Mommy with a great chance to take some pictures of my two favorite boys. I couldn't even begin to tell you which one I like the best!
*Notice the sheetrock dust on Jason's shirt?

What handsome men you have! These pictures truely are EE! He is just the cutest thing there is! Give them a hug and kiss from gram - love you all!
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