The kids have been growing by leaps and bounds lately, it seems that every week we have something that we try to put on them and as Princess would say 'it's no fit'. So, this particular Sunday they both had some new clothes on. Princess is sporting a new CK jacket with a C.hildrens P.lace party skirt. The hat and shoes are both from T.arget I believe, but you have seen both before. Sunshine is showing off in his new R.alph L.auren stripe button down shirt. He also had a hat and jacket from G.ymboree, pants by T.ommy, and brown slip ons from C.hildrens P.lace. I had a picture of them posted on F.acebook in these outfits and a few people asked me where I got their clothes, so that is why the rundown...I know Princess's skirt and Sunshine's shoes are still available, I am unsure of the rest.
Posing Pretty
For some reason I think she looks like an Oompa Loompa in this picture or maybe one of the guards on the W.izzard of O.z...something about the was she is squatting and how short it makes her look I guess!
Not the best, but the only one that remotely turned out of him by himself...he was on the move that day!
They are too cute! I really like the "scrunched-down" one! Give them a hug and kiss from gram - love you all!
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