She is getting more and more brave!
She is getting more and more brave!
Posted by AJH at 12:26:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Princess
Posted by AJH at 12:21:00 AM 0 comments
Princess and I went to the store together one night and they had a dozen roses for $5! I couldn't resist buying them from her since we didn't get her any for her dance recital! They were BEAU.T.FUL!
Posted by AJH at 12:14:00 AM 0 comments
Well, it has been one of those weeks, the kind that is basically a roller coaster ride that you cannot get off of! {Part of life with PCOS}
Anyway, my thankful post this week is going to be directed to my mom & dad. I am so thankful for the way that they stand beside us even if they are not on the same page. The love us, and they love our adopted children (apparently this is difficult for some other family members) with an unconditional GRANDPARENT kind of love (aka ~ spoil them rotten.)
But before there was grandchildren there was just us as a couple and before that there was just me their daughter. While I was a rather confusing teenager, and had a VERY strong opinion of my own (and most of the time acted on my own thoughts and beliefs) they still were there every time I needed to talk, or needed help with something, or even if I needed gas money! Sometimes I wish you could remember more from your younger days because it would be fun to remember what they were like at parents from my toddler years...but I know one thing, they sacrificed often for my brother and I. And even though I grew up to be someone far different than they could ever have imagined, I grew up to be someone that has alot of them in me too!
We were blessed enough to be able to be with them over Father's Day weekend, and now my mother will be getting in her car and driving the 7 hour drive any minute! We get to have her from today until a week from Sunday...Daddy will be joining her next week sometime to celebrate the 4th as a family. It is always so wonderful to have them around! We are thankful!
Posted by AJH at 12:06:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Thankful Thursday
The kids are at the age where they want to do everything themselves, JUST.LIKE.MOMMY.&.DADDY! Well it is no different when it comes to being in the kitchen. I was browning some pork to put in our soup the other day and she wanted to help REAL bad. I had already put the rest of the soup in the crock pot while she napped and there was nothing left for her to do, so with VERY CAREFUL SUPERVISION {I mean I NEVER left her side} she learned out to brown meat...and did VERY well about keeping her one hand on the handle and her other elbow up so it didn't come close to the pan....what a sweetheart!
Posted by AJH at 2:00:00 PM 0 comments
While it is my birthday today, most of my birthday related celebrations are already finished...
~ My HUSBAND gave me a fire pit and because there was no place to hide something so large, I received it on the 13th!
~ Another part of my gift/his father's day gift was getting to go and see Randy.Travis in concert on the 19th
~ We took off just after the concert to head out to my parents house for the big weekend of my home town - Saddle.Horse.Holiday - which was a happy blessing. We were not planning to go until out of the blue I called Dad the Tuesday before (16th) just to chat. He half jokingly asked if we would be interested in coming home because he needed someone to drive his truck in the parade, I (jokingly) said if you pay for gas we will be there! The rest is history, he helped with gas, we went!
I had been thinking for a while what kind of post I wanted for my 'Birthday Post' and couldn't come up with anything wise or I'll just leave you with this. Since this is our family blog, I have decided to start a new blog for ME!
It is called, 'JustExactlyNothingExciting' as you can see the first letter of each of the words spell my middle name. You can go here to see my first post and explanation of what the purpose (or lack thereof) this blog will be!
Posted by AJH at 12:12:00 AM 0 comments
There are many people in my life that have been more than supportive of the face that I may not always be able to control my tears, and have a hard time loosing weight that seems to be gained overnight, along with other wonderful things like being 26 and still fighting acne full time, being tired often, and many other things. There are many women out there that know the routine, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
We found out officially last summer that I had PCOS, but because of a wonderful friend were suspicious that I may have had it for a few years prior. What finally lead to finding it was that my body faked a pregnancy last year. I had all the symptoms, started gaining a little baby bump, the list goes on and on. I didn't go to the doctor because, well because of my history! Finally where I would have been about 3 months I went and did the regular tests and the doctor found PCOS. It wasn't a surprise to me, but what she told me was...she said with her help and lots of prayer she was 100% sure that we would be able to conceive. Well, she ended up moving to New Zealand after just 3 months of working with her.
But let me tell you, while the testing, ultrasounds, blood work, and giving myself shots were not that great for those 3 months...the fact that I was, well, normal was wonderful. Handsome and I have often talked that we wished that it didn't cost so much to go through month after month because we would like to have the normal even steven and able to have fun and love life me back on a regular basis, but it was between $750 & $1000 a month out of pocket!
Anyway, PCOS can affect 1 in 15 women (MINIMUM) and the symptoms can run the gamut from person to person. As a general rule PCOS ladies are heavier and have trouble loosing weight, but even smaller ladies can have PCOS as well. Because it is becoming so widespread, I would like you to check out this website and read more about it.
Posted by AJH at 12:03:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: PCOS
Posted by AJH at 1:18:00 AM 0 comments
Posted by AJH at 1:11:00 AM 0 comments
Lately, Boo has really been excited to 'match' his Daddy. So when we are going anywhere as a family I try to wait to dress Boo until I see what Handsome has picked out and then try to find something that Boo has similar. This was a couple of weeks ago getting ready for church. It worked out very well because the only thing different was that Handsome had a wedding ring and Boo didn't (not that I am in a hurry for this or anything.) But the shirt was VERY similar, blue jeans, shoes that looked alike and similar necklaces...Boo was in heaven, and Daddy must have liked it as well because he asked for a picture to be taken!
Posted by AJH at 1:02:00 AM 0 comments
A couple months ago I was invited to an Upper.Case.Living party that our pastors' wife was having. I had seen some U.C.L before, but not much of it. I looked at the website several times before going to the party and had picked some things that I thought would be nice to have in our house....but, when at the party the U.C.L. lady had some photo books of work that clients had special ordered and I saw one that someone had done like this only it was "The Johnson Family Establish 1994" or something like that (do not remember the exact name and year.) And decided that would be perfect to put up around our family picture.
Well, I was able to put up the 'Established 2002' part by myself the day after it came, but was able to finally wrangle my husbands help a week ago to get the bigger part up. I am very happy with how it turned out! I also ordered some stuff to make Christmas gifts for two family members...but since they are blog readers I cannot show or share anything about it until then!
Posted by AJH at 8:56:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family
There is a couple that really deserves an entire post, they sure have been a blessing & encouragement to us even before the latest disaster (being told we had until January 30th to get out of the parsonage the week before Christmas.) We bought our suburban from them in January 2008, and Handsome has continued to get to know them after that. I didn't really get to know them until the issue, but have gotten to know them well since.
Mark & Teresa are some of the most caring people you could ever meet. It just so happened to be that when we needed a place to live 'at the drop of the hat' they had a home for sale. They were willing to even help us out a bit until Pumpkin Patch DC is two years old and the bank recognizes it as income! To go through and list every single thing that they have done to help us out in the last 6 month would 1st off, embarrass them...but secondly be so long you guys would get bored! I used to joke around with Teresa about us being so needy and how I didn't understand why they would want to be around us because every time we turned around we needed help again! Well that all culminated on March 6th when I fell and knocked myself unconscious on the ice. After I was allowed to leave the ER that night Teresa came up and put her arm around me and said, "A, this sure bring your being needy to a whole new level!" I thought that was funny...and it has only been brought up jokingly since.
Our children have also fallen in love with these great people. The kids love to go to their house and spend time there, and I couldn't be happier with the fact that they are willing to watch our kids!
Well, I could go on and on about these great people....but they are definitely two people that we have come to love dearly over the last 6 months. People that I am so thankful that God allowed us to cross paths with!
Posted by AJH at 1:22:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Friends , Thankful Thursday
Posted by AJH at 1:46:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Friends