Of course I have the most pictures of the monkeys...though they look somewhat similar to my family members lol! Not really, but sometimes I feel like I am a Mommy to 2 little monkeys!
You cannot see very well here, but this is a Mama Monkeys and her little one who couldn't have been more than a couples of months old is to the left of the picture. The little paw hanging over the ledge is the baby monkeys little foot!

The other adult Monkeys swinging from ledge to ledge looking to see what kind of food he can find!

Mama Monkey is actually nursing her baby here, and then there is the 'big brother' who wasn't by any means full grown, but about double the size of the baby!

Daddy Monkey just

The whole Monkey family: Daddy, Mama w/baby, and Big Brother

It was a lot of fun to watch the Mama take care of the baby, when she would move she would just put the baby by her right leg and the baby would hold on and away they would go!

***Countdown to my birthday: 14 days!
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