Having a Daycare, we saw the need to get some outside toys for the kiddos...of course the ones that will benefit the most will be Princess & Boo, but the little Pumpkins are loving it too! I shopped around long and hard to find 'just the right one!' When I found this here, it quickly became my 1st choice! Princess & Boo call it their "Very Own PARK!"
They like to say "Mommy, look at me, I'm looking out the window!"

One of their favorite shows right now is Micky.Mouse.Clubhouse on the Disney.Channel, and the taller part underneath has been dubbed their 'very own clubhouse.'
"I fit Mommy"
Here is the Princess waiting for someone to give her a push...though she CAN do it herself!

We also have added a new storage shed behind our home, as many of you know we lived in a much bigger house up until about 6 months ago and have been paying for a storage unit since. We decided to have a rummage sale (June 13th) to sell what we could and the rest either has to fit in this or goes to the trash!
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