While we were at my parents for Memorial Day weekend, we thought it might be fun to head to the zoo. Our kids had never been to a zoo before, and it was fun to view it through their eyes. You will notice one of the favorite zoo animals of all time are not included {Monkeys} they will have their own post tomorrow!
This is our entire crew, minus myself! Jess, Boo, Kaylee, Aunt Christy, Grandma Pancakes, Aunt Lisa, Princess, & Handsome looking at one of the bears.

Boo stuck to Jess the entire day, they have been buds since he was just a tiny little guy!
Then came the Rhinos~

And the Gators...kind of looks like he is smiling!
And then my children decided to terrorize the female peacock that had gotten out of her pan! They chased her all the way back...heehe
And when she got back into her pen, the two male peacocks were showing off for her...here we have Boo and Handsome thinking this was a nice show!
And the two males just kept showing off!
They would go back and forth between having their tails up and down depending on how close the female was to the other male!
Since they wouldn't ride the real camel, a stone elephant was all I could get for a photo opp.
We don't have a picture of this, but at the petting farm they had goats and you could feed them. Princess did it twice and didn't love it, Boo took some convincing but ended up really having a good time feeding them!
Then on to the penguins, one of three animals Princess had on her list to see...she really thought they were funny!
Then on the terrorizing more animals, they chased a Mama Goose and her goslings back to the pond along with Miss Kaylee!
Precious Picture!
Giraffes were #2 on the Princess list (there wasn't any lions at this zoo...but they were #3!)
Throw in a zebra...I love the African animals!
Boo with his Daddy and Grandma Pancakes looking on!
Princess looking at the BIG turtles
Boo liked them too!
Princess, Handsome, Jess, & Aunt Lisa watching the tiger pacing.
I am not sure which animal they are looking at...Maybe the Monkeys?
A cozy bear sleeping
Checking out the pink flamingos
Riding the pretend hippo inside the museum
Crawling on the gator
And sitting on his head
The elephant
How happy she was to have gone to the zoo...
And just a few minutes later she was out...with the Nemo.Fish Grandma Pancakes bought her!
They both are out...the picture of Boo by himself just will not load, but you can see him out with his Monkey that Grandma Pancakes bought him at the zoo!
What a fun trip it was...and the fun company we were around! We are hoping to go to a bigger zoo next summer!
To see more Zoo pictures and family from Memorial Weekend go to my wonderful sister-in-laws blog here....check it out!
***Count down to my BIRTHDAY: 15 days!
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