The car, that is....was topless! The last day of May we were able to use a friend's Mustang.Convertible to take a drive up the canyon. With all the moisture that we have been receiving, it sure was green! You really notice things you would not have in a car with a top! It was a great afternoon! Thanks Mark!
My Bridal Veil Falls!
You cannot see Boo, but he is in there!

So what does one do while in a topless car? Take pictures of the beautiful clouds!
Look straight above the 'tc' in Patch and notice the wind whipped clouds flowing over the thunderhead!
The sky was an amazing blue, and the thunderheads looked like they were glowing!
I mean really, it was glowing!
Then the thunderheads crashed together to form this storm that we tried to outrun!
But, we failed and got a little shower!
Even though my Handsome really still doesn't love convertibles, he did enjoy driving one for the day!
Looking back over Deadwood...SO.GREEN!
Oh how much fun we had that day. We got to Sturgis and stopped by DQ and headed home for the church's softball game!
***Count down to my Birthday: 9 days!
Oh how much fun we had that day. We got to Sturgis and stopped by DQ and headed home for the church's softball game!
***Count down to my Birthday: 9 days!
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