I wanted to share a story about Grandma Ada from one of my very last conversations with her. In 2001 I had graduated from high school and was preparing to go to Hyles Anderson College in the fall. There was also this guy I had met that spring, I believe his name was Jason. In August of 2001 Jason and I were "JUST FRIENDS" to everyone, we both knew that we would be married sooner rather than later, but I do not believe we had told anyone this. Well, I believe it was somewhere around August 5th or so that Grandma Ada brought him up while we were talking in her hospital room. She had met Jason in April of that year and I am not sure that she had seem him much since then, but she started taking about Jason. All of a sudden in her sweet thoughtful way she just said, "well since you are going to marry him, how about getting him here with the pastor and marrying him so I be around to see it." I still think about that...Grandma & Grandpa Norgaard had so much to do with who I am today because they prayed for me. Now I know that I am blessed because we always lived so close to them and were able to spend so much time with them, but in spending that much time with them my Grandparents knew what I needed most...and that was Jesus Christ! I still do not know how Grandma got the idea that I was going to marry Jason, I didn't tell her. But I also know that in the 5 1/2 years Grandpa Don was with us after Grandma he told me many times that Grandma would have been so proud to call Jason her grandson.
In the few days between this conversation with Grandma and her home going, her and I didn't talk about Jason much more...there was always people around. But I did spend a good amount of time at her bedside. I remember the morning of the 8th when Mom and Dad called and told Zach and I that we should come to the hospital quickly. We got in the car and drove as fast, legally, as we could to get there. I was able to go to Grandmas bedside on her left and Grandpa was on her right. I was holding her hand and silently praying and thanking God for such wonderful, godly, grandparents. Shortly after 9 (I am not sure how much) in the morning Grandmas hand lost its warmness...and I being a selfish person still on this earth have missed her something terribly ever since.
This story may not mean very much to many of you, but since this is my blog I felt that I needed to publish it. But as I bring this to you I want you to remember something, DO NOT TAKE SPECIAL PEOPLE FOR GRANTED! I miss my Grandparents, I wish I could have learned more from them.
PS~ on a side note...if anyone can tell me who it is peaking out from behind Grandma Ada holding me I would love to know. I looked at the other FAMOUS family pictures from that day and the hair color and style doesn't really seem to match anyone in the family.
it might be one of Vanyse's friends... There were a few of them that she brought to visit the farm, but I can't remember their names right now.
oh, "Jenny" was one name - but I don't know whether that's her or not.
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