Last year Mom was here for Cook Deadwood Nights, on one of her trips out here to be here for Bubba (Ethan) because he was REALLY SICK! Anyway, while looking for something to do that Saturday, Jason suggested going to Deadwood to look at old cars. Wasn't sure it was going to be that great, but it was kind of fun...anything with mom is fun!
Mom and Dad talked about coming out this year, but could not make it. Jason, myself, and the kiddos loaded up in the suberban and drove to Deadwood. On the way there I could not resist taking some pictures of our beautiful blue sky, it is unlike any other place I have ever seen before! 
The kids riding while Mommy and Daddy drool over some of their top picks!
This was Jason's choice...a Cadilac, I don't remember what year

This was my choice, a Chevy Impala, again...I don't remember what year!

It was lots of fun and we hope some of you can join us next year!
It was lots of fun and we hope some of you can join us next year!
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