On Sunday afternoon while we were eating at the Olive Garden we were sitting there and all of a sudden Ada Grace starts talking about babies. This is normal any time we are in public if she sees a baby or hears a baby cry she has to say "hi! baby". Anyway, the difference this time was that this baby looked like her! There was a table of African American people who had a baby boy a little younger than our kiddos. After talking about the baby for a while Ada Grace finally got our attention when she pointed at him and said "Ada Gace" (Ada Grace.) Now this may not be that funny, but to Jason and myself we cracked up! It seems that all babies that look like her are named Ada Grace. Here when we were looking at picture I figured she was very smart because she named herself in all of them, but in reality she just thinks that all babies that are not white are "Ada Gaces."
Anyway, just thought that you maybe needed smaile on your face today!
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