On Sunday Evening while Jason and I were sitting in the living room it all of a sudden looked to be a very pretty, almost pink, color outside. I grabbed my new camera (I love it) and ran out and got some really neat pictures of the sky. None of these have been altered...this is truely what the sky looked like that night!

I love how there was a "V" shaped cloud in front of the sun that made the pretty colors on these clouds from where the suns shadow was!

I also snapped a few pictures of our roses. Now that they have over come the over spray from the yard (we have talked to the people that do it and it should not be happening again) they are really going to town again. My climber is way over my head now, and we only lost one rose bush of the 18 in the over spray accident.
My purple rose with a little rain on it...

And then after the boys went to bed, AG and I spent some time together, just the girls...how fun was that? Well, AG was wound up that night and just was a hoot to be around...as usual!

I love how there was a "V" shaped cloud in front of the sun that made the pretty colors on these clouds from where the suns shadow was!
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