Last month we had the privilage to watch little Slater again and had such a wonderful time with him! It was fun having 3 one year olds (well Slater was 4 days away from turing one) around for the day! Here they are having a snack! Slater kept trying to steal Ada Grace's! After a while she just starting handing them over!
We spent much time outside that day, I got out the triple stroller and we went to visit Jason at work...the babies happened to be there. James and Christy's little girl was 4 months old and Jamey and Kellly's little girl was about 1 month old. The kids enjoyed the babies! We also went swimming in their little pool and running through their new spinkler (at the time!)
Ethan doesn't have any swimsuits that stay up on him at this time...the two he does have are 3-6 months and they do not stay up!

Checking things out
Ethan doing the same
Slater was a champion at crawling around on the sidewalk he is much more adventurous than my kids ever were!
His cute little John Deere camo shirt was just too cute for me!
Any time that we get the chance to play with Slater here and there is so much fun. We are so excited to have kids close in age for our kids to grow up with! (And for their parents and their friendship!)
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